Let’s talk about when your daughter might need to begin using tampons. Tampon use can be an emotional topic for moms. If your daughter is active in sports and enjoys swimming, the topic will certainly come up. I encourage young girls to use pads for…
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When Should My Daughter Start Wearing A Tampon?
November 17, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Inspire Your Daughter to Make a Difference for Others
August 24, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
How can you inspire your daughter to do something that makes a difference for other girls her age? During the early teens years, most moms notice a lot of self-focus in our daughters. That is due in part because of changes going on in their…
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Isn’t she too young to use a tampon? | Puberty
September 11, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Recently, I talked to a mom whose daughter had just started having her period. The mom thought her daughter was too young to use a tampon because she was only 11 years old. One day the young girl wanted to go swimming with her friends…
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I Wish Someone Would Have Taught Me This! | Preparing for Puberty
August 24, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
I’ll bet many of us have had this thought when we reflect back to our puberty experience. I am always intrigued when I teach small groups of girls about puberty and notice that their mothers are rapidly taking notes for themselves! From the time our…
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When is it time? Using a Tampon
June 10, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Now that summer is here, this is a good opportunity to talk to your daughter about using a tampon so she stays confident and comfortable with being active during her period. Tampons can make the summer days easier, especially if she likes to swim. Start by…
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