Let’s talk about when your daughter might need to begin using tampons. Tampon use can be an emotional topic for moms. If your daughter is active in sports and enjoys swimming, the topic will certainly come up. I encourage young girls to use pads for…
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what happens during puberty for girls
When Should My Daughter Start Wearing A Tampon?
November 17, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Does Your Daughter Understand This About Her Period?
October 13, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
When a young girl sees spots of blood in her underwear for the first time, she has several different reactions. Of course, she realizes a big change has just taken place in her life and a few moments of panic may set in. Within a…
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Teaching Your Daughter How to Keep Her Female Anatomy Healthy
July 12, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
What does your adolescent daughter know about keeping her female anatomy healthy? When she starts having regular periods, you know how important it is for her to feel confident that she is prepared for her period each month and that she understands feminine hygiene. This…
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Tagged With: 10+ year old girls
13+ year old girls
15+ year old girls
celebrate puberty
female anatomy
how to teach girls about hygiene
how to teach girls about puberty
keep anatomy healthy
sex education
stay healthy
what happens during puberty for girls
Teach Your Daughter That A Period is a Healthy Cleansing Process
June 14, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
The more your daughter understands about her period, the less fear she will feel as it approaches. If you talk to a group of young girls who will likely have their first period in the next few months, they are anxious about what is going…
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Premenstrual Time & Dancing in the Rain
October 5, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” -Vivian Greene When I saw this quote, I immediately thought about our daughters during the few days of premenstrual time prior to the start of their period…
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