Make sure your daughter is prepared for her first period with a small pouch containing essential items. Prepare her for future periods by estimating when they might happen. Preparing your daughter for her first period is a significant task. We want to make sure she…
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Next Step In Planning After Your Daughter’s First Period
December 21, 2022
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
10+ Year Old Girls
Three Simple Points to Protect Your Daughter from a Bacterial STD
December 6, 2022
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Keep your immune system strong Chlamydia and gonorrhea don’t always show symptoms Always use a condom Before your daughter graduates from high school, let’s make sure she has a clear understanding about the common bacterial STDs, what they look like, and how they are treated.…
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15+ Year Old Girls
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Does Your Daughter Know About Boys & Puberty?
November 22, 2022
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
By the time your daughter is 13-14 years old, she has probably started having regular periods and is now considered sexually mature. The important information for her to know about reproduction does not end when puberty ends. Now it is time to prepare her for…
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13+ Year Old Girls
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What Happens After Fertilization?
November 10, 2022
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
—When do you hear a heartbeat? —What happens in the 2nd month of pregnancy? —What happens in the 3rd month of pregnancy? It is not just what happens at fertilization when a sperm joins an egg in the first month of gestation that is important…
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15+ Year Old Boys
15+ Year Old Girls
How To Talk To Your Daughter About The Early Signs Of Puberty
October 20, 2022
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Introduce small concepts throughout the year, keep the information time to about 7 minutes, make sure it is a fun time together.
10+ Year Old Girls