What can we do to protect our daughters from unwanted sexual advances now and in the future? This question is especially on top of our minds right now because of some of the conversations that are happening in our popular culture. Unfortunately, I’m not sure…
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Help Your Daughter Take A Stand Against Unwanted Sexual Advances
October 11, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
My Response | What to do about Kids and Pornography
July 11, 2016
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Recently, I read a blog on a site I follow called Hey Sigmund. Their tagline is “where the science of psychology meets the art of being human”. They publish all kinds of articles about people of all ages and the psychological concerns that they may…
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Reproduction – Who Needs to Know More, Boys or Girls?
June 21, 2016
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
If you have a choice, who do you think should be more knowledgeable about how babies are made, boys or girls? Probably most of you say both boys and girls need to have this figured out so they can be prepared when the time comes.…
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Moms, It’s Never Too Late To Learn About Your Reproductive System
January 13, 2016
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Recently I presented a lecture about the female reproductive system entitled “Female Orgasm” for medical students at UCLA Medical School, sponsored by the American Medical Woman’s Association. I give this lecture each year and as you might expect, there are LOTS of participants. Here are…
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Beginning the Puberty Conversation with Your Son
September 29, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Are adolescent boys comfortable talking about their body? I began to question this when I started to write my upcoming book, I’m a Boy, Hormones!, for boys 11 years and older. Typically, when I complete a draft of a book, I invite groups of kids…
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