A mom who is raising an adolescent deserves to have a day, like Mother’s Day, to honor her and thank her. This Mother’s Day is for you! Here are five reasons why I think you are a special woman. One minute your adolescent needs a…
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The Confusing Line between Childhood and Adulthood | Great Advice
May 19, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Karen Young is a psychologist with an interesting perspective about being human which she shares on her blog at Hey Sigmund. She has written an amazing article from her own experience raising four teenagers titled Parenting an Adolescent: 11 Insights That Will Make a Difference.…
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Good Stuff On the Web
Parenting the Adolescent, Part V: Taking Risks With Little Common Sense
November 19, 2014
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Throughout this series, I have been describing the unique features of the adolescent brain and how its development is influencing your child’s behavior and decision-making process. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is ramped up during adolescence and contributes to the changes that are seen during this important…
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