It doesn’t take very long before a young boy realizes that he has a penis and that girls don’t have one. It is always cute, and a little surprising, when they ask you why girls are different. A classic question is, “How do they pee…
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“How do girls go pee?” | Things Kids Ask!
June 24, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Body Odor! An Early Puberty Sign for Boys and Girls
May 26, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
The biological process of puberty makes a quiet entrance into a child’s life in many ways, except for changes in how they SMELL! Interestingly, the hormone that has a big effect on the skin, in both boys and girls, is a form of testosterone. There…
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A Different Kind of Mother’s Day Card
May 6, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Each year on Mother’s Day our children make precious gifts and write adorable cards to thank us for the special ways we have loved them through the year. I have saved many of those cards and they will always be a treasure to me. But…
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Talking about Puberty in New York City
April 20, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
As with the parents in China last month, the concerns as a parent of an adolescent here are very similar. Parents struggle with changes in their child’s attitude during puberty and they feel some relief when they learn that their child’s brain is changing very…
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Celebrating Puberty… IN CHINA!
March 30, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
I just returned from a week of teaching in Guangzhou, China. Chinese parents are eager to learn about how to better communicate with their children and learn what to teach them through the transitional years of puberty. In two separate sessions, I explained the physical…
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