These pictures were placed in a frame and given to my son by his daughter, my granddaughter, for Christmas. In the picture on the left, my granddaughter is 2 years old and barely able to reach her dad’s hand. In the picture on the right,…
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She’s not a little girl anymore… | Transitions for parents during puberty
January 7, 2016
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
How Informed Is Your Son? | Movember & Men’s Health Awareness
November 21, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Each year No-vember becomes Mo-vember as the Movember Foundation takes over to promote men’s health awareness around the topics of prostate and testicular cancers, poor mental health and physical inactivity. This is also a great opportunity to consider what your son needs to know about his…
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How to Teach Your 8 – 10 Year Old Son About Puberty
October 23, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
A frequent question I am asked about boys in the 8-10 year old age group is how to start a conversation with them about puberty and what to teach them. Boys in this age group are typically more willing to discuss this topic, but it…
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Beginning the Puberty Conversation with Your Son
September 29, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Are adolescent boys comfortable talking about their body? I began to question this when I started to write my upcoming book, I’m a Boy, Hormones!, for boys 11 years and older. Typically, when I complete a draft of a book, I invite groups of kids…
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I’m Sounding the Alarm!
August 28, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
I have been reading through various blogs this week to find interesting articles for you and I have become increasingly concerned about what moms are saying about kids and the Internet. Young adolescents are experimenting with dangerous sexual activities and they have no idea how…
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