We are so careful to make sure that our daughters are ready for their first period. But after they start having regular monthly periods, they have likely reached the end of puberty and have entered sexual maturity. This is a big deal. Although your daughter…
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teenage girls
When Does Your Daughter Arrive At Sexual Maturity?
July 7, 2022
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Does Your Son Know Why Condoms Are Important?
January 14, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
So often we emphasize concepts in reproduction and forget that our teen might not understand the basic information behind the concept. For example, although they might know that a condom helps prevent pregnancy, do they know how the condom does that? This illustration would be…
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Make Sure Your Son Knows This
January 7, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
There is so much more to teach your 15+ year old son now that he is through puberty. You are preparing him for sexual maturity. We want our sons to make informed decisions in the future and understand what those decisions might mean. For example,…
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Teaching Your Adolescent When Conception Occurs
October 29, 2020
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
If you have adolescents who are 15+ years old, they have likely reached sexual maturity. Now it is time to keep the teaching going, but at a new level. This age group is often more challenging to get their support for your teaching attempts, but…
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Is It Time to Talk about Boys and Girls?
October 8, 2019
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
As you have observed, there is much going on in your daughter’s life during adolescence. One day she is a child, and it seems like overnight, she’s a teenager. You are not the only one surprised by the changes in her. Friends who are boys,…
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