Preventing pregnancy involves both parties being clearly informed. What does your son know about eggs in a girl’s ovaries? Do you think it is important for your son to know something about girl reproductive anatomy? Boys could benefit from learning more about girl reproductive anatomy.…
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sexual education
Pregnancy Prevention: What Does Your Son Know?
August 23, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Your Son’s First Kiss
July 26, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Have you prepared your son for his first kiss? As parents, we are concerned about our adolescents having sex when they are too young. That’s a legitimate concern. But holding hands and enjoying a deeper relationship with a girl, is also part of becoming a…
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Your 5-year-old Wants to Know Where Babies Come From
April 12, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Is your answer to your 5-year old’s question about where babies come from a cute expression like “it’s something magical” or is it an accurate description of sexual intercourse? I am always fascinated by the different ways parents respond to this question from a young…
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