Puberty is the time when a girl’s reproductive system matures. It is only natural that also during puberty your daughter is going to have questions about changes in a boy during puberty. I want our daughters to have a solid understanding of their own reproductive…
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preparing for puberty
It is Normal for Your Teenage Daughter to Wonder What Happens to Boys During Puberty?
July 15, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Does Your Daughter Know How To Chart Her Periods?
June 17, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
As your daughter prepares for her first period, keeping track of when her period starts each month is important so that she can always be prepared. Because we talk about having a period “each month,” this can lead to some confusion. Your daughter might begin…
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Tagged With: parenting girls
preparing for puberty
Our Preteen Sons Need to Know the Basics
June 10, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
If you have been following my blogs and videos, you know how important I think it is to make sure our sons have a solid understanding of the basic structure and function of their reproductive system as they enter puberty. We need to get ahead…
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Is There One Topic About Puberty You Need To Discuss With Your Daughter?
June 3, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
I always want to encourage you to purchase one of my age-appropriate books for your child. Their needs change as they grow through the years and my books will grow with them. But, sometimes you might want to focus on a special topic that is…
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Has Your Adolescent Hit Their Growth Spirt?
May 14, 2021
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
It can take your breath away when your adolescent hits that one big growth spurt! One day, you are taller than them and it seems like just a day later, you are looking eye-to-eye. What has happened? Inside your child’s bones are plates of cartilage…
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