It is Normal for Your Teenage Daughter to Wonder What Happens to Boys During Puberty?
Puberty is the time when a girl’s reproductive system matures. It is only natural that also during puberty your daughter is going to have questions about changes in a boy during puberty.
I want our daughters to have a solid understanding of their own reproductive system by this age, but I also think it is important for them to understand the structure and function of a boy’s reproductive system to complete the story for them.
One important comparison is what happens to eggs and what happens to sperm.
- Big difference: All of the eggs a girl is going to have are already in her ovaries when puberty begins. But, there are an endless number of sperm produced each month beginning at puberty.
- Usually a single egg is released at ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle. More than 100 million sperm are released during a single ejaculation.
Parents are often concerned that if they teach their daughter about boy reproductive system structures, they are going to have a premature interest in sex. I don’t think that is true. They are already wondering and it is important to teach them accurate science and not what they might find on the internet or from poorly informed friends.
I have written a book for this age group called I’m a Girl, How Are Boys Different? You can even purchase important Small Topics out of this book on my website.
My mission and I am sure yours is too, is to make sure your daughter is informed as she arrives at sexual maturity. Let’s do this together.
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