When girls are born, they have all the eggs they are ever going to have in their ovaries. This is a totally different story for boys. When your son was born, there were tiny cells in his testicles that were waiting to be awakened during…
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puberty in boys
When Does Puberty Start For Boys?
April 6, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
How much education do our adolescent sons receive about their changing body during puberty? The answer seems like it is less than what our daughters receive. This could be due to the fact that girls have very obvious outward signs of puberty, like the onset…
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Wet Dreams – A Big Change For Boys
March 15, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Girls seem to get so much more education about puberty than boys. This is probably because girls are going to start having their period, a significant development in their life, and they need to know what to do. For boys, puberty is also a time…
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Boys and Puberty: How Does Mine Compare to Yours?
March 7, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
If your son is in puberty, he is aware of the changes happening in his body and he will begin to compare those changes to ones the other boys his age group are experiencing. Not all boys go through puberty at the same pace and…
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Reproduction – Who Needs to Know More, Boys or Girls?
June 21, 2016
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
If you have a choice, who do you think should be more knowledgeable about how babies are made, boys or girls? Probably most of you say both boys and girls need to have this figured out so they can be prepared when the time comes.…
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