How much does your son know about an ejaculation? Why does he think he is having such intense emotional reactions? Does he understand why his thoughts and dreams have become increasingly sexual? If your son is ten years and older, he needs answers to these…
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early puberty in boys
Make Sure Your Son Knows What is Happening
April 5, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
A Change in Body Odor – Boys 8 – 10 | Celebrate Puberty Moments
October 11, 2016
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Celebrate Puberty Moments are brief mini-lessons about puberty from me to you. Each month, I introduce a small topic about changes in your child’s body during puberty that you can discuss with your child during the month. The content is for a special group of kids.…
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Questions and Answers for Boys ages 8 – 10
January 20, 2015
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Click on the specific question below and you will go directly to the answer about that topic. Or, you can scroll down through all the questions and answers. Also, be sure to click the tabs below the questions for additional resources! It has become obvious that…
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