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A Change in Body Odor – Boys 8 – 10 | Celebrate Puberty Moments
Celebrate Puberty Moments are brief mini-lessons about puberty from me to you. Each month, I introduce a small topic about changes in your child’s body during puberty that you can discuss with your child during the month.
The content is for a special group of kids. This one is for parents of sons who are 8-10 years old.
Our book I’m a Boy, My Changing Body is most appropriate for your son at this age.
The topic for this month: A Change In Body Odor
Most parents find it hard to believe that their 8-10-year-old son has entered early puberty. One sign to look for is a change in his body odor.
Please watch this video to learn more about this, learn why it’s happening and how you can talk to your son about this change.
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