You feel a lot of pain as your adolescent is pushing away from you to gain their independence. What is happening? During childhood, they were dependent on you to make decisions for them and to take care of their basic needs. When they became adolescents,…
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adolescent attitudes
A Change of Mind, Not A Change of Heart
September 5, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
It’s Time To Start Talking About Respecting a Girl
July 19, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Let’s not just hope for the best with our sons. If you want him to respect the girls in his life, I’m pretty sure he is going to need some input from you. Small talks that make him think will work the best. He will…
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One Pathway into an Adolescent Heart
November 9, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
It is probably time for me to remind you about the importance of family dinners. Over and over again, you read in different blogs that this is a significant and memorable experience for families. I know we have lots of evening activities that can make…
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The Adolescent Emotional Meltdown: Tips for Parents
June 8, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Have you ever stood back in awe as your adolescent emotionally melts down? You watch your child in wonder as they proceed to completely lose it over a seemingly insignificant issue. What is happening here? If you ask them why they are so upset, they…
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