Teens are very interested to learn about sex, but the typical teenager knows very little about what all of it means. Sadly, they know basically nothing about what happens after sexual intercourse, if an egg meets a sperm. It is important that we add this…
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15+ year old girls
Can Your Daughter Explain Ovulation?
September 14, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Can your daughter explain to you what happens during ovulation? This is a pivotal point in the menstrual cycle when an egg is released. It is important for her to understand the timing and what happens next. Here are the basics you can teach her.…
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How to Teach Them About Healthy Sexual Desire
August 10, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
As part of maturing, your young teen is starting to experience sexual desire. This is partly due to the developmental changes going in their brain as well as the influence of sexual hormones. It is a normal process in the body. I have never…
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Tagged With: 10+ year old girls
11+ year old boys
13+ year old boys
13+ year old girls
15+ year old boys
15+ year old girls
emotional impact
healthy sexual attitudes
healthy sexual attitudes in teens
healthy sexual desire
how to teach teens about sex
reproductive structure
reproductive system
reproductive system function
teaching about sexual feelings
Invitation to Sex – Is Your Daughter on Offense or Defense?
March 1, 2017
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
I raised a daughter so I know well the concern that parents have about young girls having sex. You can set limits but we all know that teenagers enjoy breaking through limits. The time will come when each young girl will have the opportunity to…
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