Is Your Daughter Prepared for the Puberty Talk in Her School?
If your daughter is in 5th or 6th grade, she will probably attend a class for a “puberty talk” in the next few months. Many schools offer good content for kids and I encourage you to find out what your school will be teaching.
No matter how excellent the program is your daughter will probably feel a little uncomfortable with the topic. This is a normal reaction because learning about your reproductive system is personal. Unfortunately, these classes are usually not personal. All of the children are together or maybe the boys and girls will be separate.
I want to encourage all parents to prepare their
daughters for these classes.
It will help them to feel more comfortable and learn the most that they can. If you haven’t already purchased by book, I’m a Girl, Hormones! now is a great time to do so. I wrote it because I want young girls to understand why their body is changing during puberty and help them to feel confident during this uncertain time. If your daughter understands the anatomy and concepts in my book, she will be prepared and probably known a little more than everyone else who is attending the puberty class.
There are also parent resources on my website,, that include specific questions your daughter can ask herself about the content in the book so that she feels even more prepared.
My mission is to help adolescents take the understanding about their body to a deeper level so they can evaluate the information that comes their way in social settings and make their own decisions about its usefulness for them.
I believe all children need a basic understanding of their bodies and this process as they mature through puberty and beyond.
This is step one.
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