Two important recommendations for parents of 8-10 year old boys. Now is the time to teach your son about his reproductive system so he will be prepared for the changes that are coming during puberty. Teach him through tiny bits of information I call the…
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8-10 year old boy
The 7-Minute Talk: Talking to Your Pre-Adolescent Son About Puberty
March 20, 2019
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Interesting Information for Your Son to Know About His Testicles
October 19, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
The testicles are located in a sac of skin called the scrotum because they are very sensitive to temperature. The temperature inside the pelvis, where you would expect to find them, is too warm for them. It isn’t really because the scrotum is temperature-sensitive. The…
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Puberty: A First Conversation with Your 8-9 Year Old
October 8, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Does it feel too early to start a conversation with your eight or nine-year-old child about puberty? As you watch them playing with their friends, you might feel like it is too soon. But, trust me, this change is already starting inside their body. I’m…
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It’s Time To Start Talking About Respecting a Girl
July 19, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Let’s not just hope for the best with our sons. If you want him to respect the girls in his life, I’m pretty sure he is going to need some input from you. Small talks that make him think will work the best. He will…
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Impromptu Talks To Change Your Son’s Life
June 28, 2018
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Have you found that your adolescent son does not want to talk to you about anything having to do with puberty? You are certainly not alone. This is a big concern of most parents. Puberty puts your son on the pathway to sexual maturity and…
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