3 Questions from Girls About Starting Your Period
It might be time to begin preparing your 9-10-year-old daughter for her first period. This is an uncertain time for young girls. Although they tend to be uncomfortable talking about it, I have noticed how much they appreciate an opportunity to ask questions and learn what to expect.
Here are three concerns I commonly hear from girls in this age group.
- Is there going to be a lot of blood?
- How do I catch the blood?
- What if I am somewhere and there isn’t a bathroom when my period starts?
To help answer the first question, there is only about 2-3 tablespoons of blood released over a few days. Typically, there is more on the first two days and much less after that.
To answer the second question, it might be best to take your daughter to the store and show her the different options. I recommend she begin with a pad, but very quickly she is going to be asking you about tampons.
The last question is the one I am the most happy to answer. I have made it a priority to encourage girls in this age group to start carrying with them, at all times, a small bag that contains a pad, change of underwear, and maybe a feminine wipe. By putting this small bag in their sports equipment, backpack, purse, etc., they will always be prepared for that first day.
There are many important issues about periods that you will want to teach your daughter, but these three questions are a great beginning to help lower her anxiety.
Featured Photo: Yoel Peterson on Unsplash
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