Inspire Your Young Daughter About Her Unique Girl Anatomy
So often we think that the time to begin preparing our daughters for puberty is when they start showing signs that puberty is right around the corner. I would like to suggest a new idea. Let’s help them understand what about their body makes them unique, even before puberty begins.
An important part of my mission is to help our daughters celebrate puberty. I know this sounds like a contradiction of terms, but it begins by planning fun times together when your daughter is as young as 5-7 years old and inspiring her about her unique body. During these special times, I suggest you introduce one small piece of information about her girl anatomy. At this young age, she will want to learn what you are telling her and have some interesting questions herself.
Illustration from I’m a Girl, Special Me
One small inspiration might be a question like, “Have you thought about where a baby grows inside of a mommy?”
Illustration from I’m a Girl, Special Me
At this age, the answer is a simple one, the uterus. The baby is protected inside so that it can be safe until it is time to meet its family. That might seem like a small amount of information, but you have just provided an amazing beginning to a fascinating story.
There are lots of little topics to explore in brief 7-minute inspirations with your daughter. They all should be simple concepts that inspire her to begin to think about how unique she is.
These brief times together, when started while she is still very young, can be continued in the same fun way as you inspire her about the exciting changes coming with puberty.
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