I think this Dad is Awesome! | Puberty Without Fear
I recently read a blog posting on Huffington Post that I thought was precious and inspiring.
It was written by a father who accompanied his 5th grade daughter to a school function to learn about puberty.
I won’t steal the story, but I think this dad is a wonderful role model for fathers everywhere.
Let’s Talk About Sex (and Puberty) Without Fear

This dad made some very critical observations and conclusions that I share with him.
“It’s time that fathers take a more active role in educating and raising their daughters to accept themselves for all that they are and ever will be.”
“It’s time for all parents, but especially dads, to stop treating topics like menstruation and puberty like it is handling a contagious disease.”
“It’s time for all of us to make our daughters (not to mention others girls and women) feel less like a dirty secret and more like the valuable yin to our yang that they truly are.”
Thank you, Mr. Misner, for leading the way!
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