During adolescence, which is a time of growth between childhood and adulthood, the brain is tasked to mature our child’s thinking toward independence as an adult. Despite the wonderful biological reason behind adolescence, the transition is often confusing for both the adolescent and the parent.…
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Parenting Adolescents Part II: Dynamic Changes in Your Adolescent’s Brain
October 6, 2014
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
Parenting Adolescents, Part I: Are You Ready for the Changes Coming with Adolescence?
September 17, 2014
Written by: Dr. Shelley Metten
As you probably know, adolescence is defined as the time of growth between childhood and adulthood. And if you think back on your own adolescent experience, you probably have vivid memories of both the internal and external battles that paved your pathway to maturity. It…
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10+ Year Old Girls
11+ Year Old Boys
13+ Year Old Boys
13+ Year Old Girls
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