What Has Happened To My Emotions?
*What does this have to do with hormones?
*How do unstable hormones affect the brain?
If you are wondering if you are in perimenopause, one of the early signs is a change in your emotions. It feels like you are in puberty all over again.
It is not completely understood why we have this change in our emotions, but it is thought that the emotional swings you experience during perimenopause are because hormones like estrogen and progesterone have become unstable as your menstrual cycle is winding down.
Since your first period, these hormones have worked together to give balance to your menstrual cycle. Now, as your periods are gradually coming to an end, the balance begins to shift and this has an impact on the emotion centers in your brain.
I have written a four part series about perimenopause that lets me be with you through this important time of transition in your life and explain what is happening. Click the link to download the series. I suggest you start with Part I.
I’m Dr. M with Anatomy for Kids – Now helping moms too! Let’s take this journey together.
Tagged With: Perimenopause
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