Have You Talked to Your Son About Wet Dreams?
Maybe he won’t say it but this is what he feels after you talk to him about wet dreams.
One of the top searched questions on Google by parents of adolescent boys is about wet dreams, also called nocturnal emissions. Not all boys experience these unexpected events, but most do.
Wet dreams are not a topic your son is likely to initiate with you, but you will be helping him out big time if you offer him this information.
- It is normal to have a wet dream.
- It is what the name says. During the night, without warning, you have an ejaculation. When you wake up, you notice that your bed linens are wet and you will be confused thinking you wet the bed. The fluid does not smell like urine and it is a little sticky.
- An ejaculation is the release of semen from the end of your penis. Semen is made up of sperm, about 100 million, and fluid from glands in your pelvis.
- Once you start having ejaculations, this is a sign that your reproductive system has matured and you are now sexually mature.
Suggest that you son keep a clean set of bed linens available to him so he can take care of the wet dream situation without involving everyone else.
Keep your chat with him brief (only about 7 minutes) and matter-of-fact. Ask him if he has any questions and hand him a set of clean bed linens. He will be forever grateful, even if he never admits it.
You can also go to the downloads section on this website and one of the topics that you will find there Ejaculations that is taken from my book I’m a Boy, Hormones! This is a great resource for you son.
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